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Martyra Peng

the truth will set you free
but first it will piss you off


John 8:32.

Latest Work

Work 008

August 14, 2023

Work 007

August 14, 2023

Work 006

August 14, 2023

Work 005

August 14, 2023

Work 004

August 14, 2023

Work 003

Mai 29, 2023

Work 002

Mai 29, 2023

Work 001

Mai 29, 2023

Published Books

Kohle: Memoir

Nadines Kampf von „unten“ nach „oben“ führt ins Herz des globalen Finanzkapitals, in dem es keinen anderen Ausweg gibt als den kollektiven Kampf um Würde, Autonomie und Freiheit als Frau und Sexarbeiterin.


Nadine’s struggle from „below“ to „above“ leads to the heart of global financial capital, where there is no other way out than the collective struggle for dignity, autonomy, and freedom as a woman and sex worker.


La lucha de Nadine desde „abajo“ hacia „arriba“ conduce al corazón del capital financiero mundial, donde no hay otra salida que la lucha colectiva por la dignidad, la autonomía y la libertad como mujer y trabajadora del sexo.

Sexwork 3.0 (DE)

Sexwork 3.0 zeigt internationale Perspektiven auf, eine vollständige Entkriminalisierung von Sexarbeit mit erfolgreicher Bekämpfung von Gewalt und Zwangsprostitution zusammen zu denken. Jenseits von Sexkaufverbot und ideologischen Debatten.

Sexwork 3.0 (EN)

Sex Work 3.0 shows international perspectives on how to think about a complete decriminalisation of sex work together with a successful fight against violence and forced prostitution. Beyond sex-buying bans and ideological debates.

Date de publication 7 août 2023:

Le Fric

La lutte de Nadine, du „bas“ vers le „haut“, mène au cœur du capital financier mondial, où il n’y a pas d’autre issue que la lutte collective pour la dignité, l’autonomie et la liberté en tant que femme et travailleuse du sexe.

Veröffentlichung Januar 2024

José und das Geheimnis des alten Gartens

Kinderbuch mit Illustrationen Ebook Kindle

3-6 Jahre

Veröffentlichung Januar 2024

Ein Herz und eine Pfote – Freunde fürs Leben

Kinderbuch mit Illustrationen Ebook Kindle

3-6 Jahre

About the Author 

Who is Martyra Peng?

Basically, Martyra Peng is not a name in a conventional sense but a mission.

I’m just writing about politics, technology, culture and society. Blogging has been my hobby since 2005; before that, I was a political economy PhD student at the University of Chicago, Duisburg, Magdeburg und Halle/Saale, then I become an activist and freelance writer, later I started in IT after setting up my websites with code and documentary of the sex workers rights movement. For 13 years I have worked through all stages of a start up to scale up in digital industry.

For 3 yrs I was given the honour to set up a new department of  future affairs and I started a master degree in future studies. During lockdowns I wrote two books, since more than one year I m working in innovation, AI and consultancy. I left my company last year, setting up 2 businesses not very successfully.  

I didn’t complete my PhD due to censorship, I lived in London and Berlin.

Currently I live with my partner and my cat.

My images are not illustrations in the conventional sense, because no real subjects are depicted. Artificial intelligence is at work here – technology used and demanded by humans.

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